I came to this conclusion very recently as I was doing some research on atheism (specifically, how to ask the right questions that might at least make an atheist pause to re-consider their point of view). I ran across a website that had the picture below. I was instantly saddened and still can barely look at the image of that sweet child. But it made me realize that I can no longer turn away. The website was obviously using this to mock Christians' belief that God is all-loving and all-powerful. Why would God answer such mundane prayers for finding keys or helping a QB to score a touchdown and not help the most innocent of His children? They clearly don't understand how God operates. The problem of global poverty is not God's fault, but ours.

We as Christians are called to care for our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Now, before you say that you have done something - I know, so have I. I have given money to international organizations like Feed the Children, Food for the Poor, Heifer International, and Catholic Charities. I have also helped out with local charities by providing food, clothes, household items and financial assistance. I hope you've done more than I have, but clearly,whatever we have done collectively, it's not enough.
- Pray every day for the impoverished and victims of violence
- Try very hard not to waste food - eat those leftovers!
- Talk to others about what can be done
- Sponsor a child
Here are some links to other good organizations which have high ratings on Charity Navigator:
Food For the Poor
Compassion International
Catholic Medical Mission Board
Doctors Without Borders, USA
**Please note that I have not included Feed the Children because there is a "Donor Warning" on Charity Navigator.
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